What does it take to thrive in a world governed by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution? How do we tackle the growing divide between the technologically advanced developed nations and the developing countries?

Development Institute for Scientific Research, Health & Agriculture (DISHA) believes that it is education in ICT, environment, agriculture and health to the poor children and youth living in the developing countries that can bridge the digital divide.

The demand for highly skilled people is increasing and this has given rise to the need for creating a pool of skilled workforce in the developing world. DISHA aims at training the vast manpower available in developing countries to take advantage of the technological growth.

Our Impact

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Education ​

Empowering adolescent girls and women through community engagement

Women Empowerment

Empowering adolescent girls and women through community engagement

Empowering Grassroots

Empowering adolescent girls and women through community engagement


Empowering adolescent girls and women through community engagement


Empowering adolescent girls and women through community engagement

Youth Empowerment

Empowering adolescent girls and women through community engagement



If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking
Empowering People through ICT
Click Here
Together we can change
Click Here
A Bright Future in ICTs Opportunities for a new generation of women
Click Here


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Our Stories

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Charity to Change Child’s and Poor People Life

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Helped fund 253 projects in 5 Districs,
benefiting over 15 thousand people

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Curabitur tempor imperdiet nulla eu rutrum. Maeca enas vel elit tellu donec vitae nulla feugiat, semper veget, tincidunt magna.Curabitur tempor imperdiet nulla eu rutrum. Maeca enas vel elit tellu donec vitae nulla feugiat, semper veget, tincidunt magna.